4K Manjaro Plasma Wallpaper

Wiccan inspired neon wallpaper. I was messing around with some art ideas and this just happened. It looks pretty cool so if you like skulls and neon maybe you’ll dig this. I also provide all the elements if you prefer to make your own layout. Tools used: Inkscape, Krita, and G’Mic. Enjoy Download PNG Download […]

Firewalla Blue Review

Firewalla Blue Review Image

Is the Firewalla worth your money? I’m not convinced that it is. Maybe if your router is older and doesn’t include a firewall. I went ahead a bought the Blue Plus to see what this thing can do and ran it for a few weeks. I am on the fence, but maybe this will help […]

Manjaro Linux for Music Production

manjaro linux for music production

Looking to create music on Manjaro Linux? Here is everything you’ll need to create music on Manjaro Linux using open source and\or commercial software.

Creating a Natron/KDEnlive space animation.

Had some downtime and wanted to give Natron a try. It has always ran like shit on the Linux distributions I run so I don’t think I’d use it for big projects but for small clips, like maybe subscribe buttons, it works great. I just hope someone picks up the development again, because I like […]

Manjaro Linux Rocks

What can I say about Manjaro 19.0 Kyria KDE Edition? It is the absolute best Linux distribution that I have installed to date. Goodbye POP! OS. I am running a 2018 Oryx from System 76 who also makes POP! OS and Manjaro actually works better on their hardware.

Install Photoshop CS6 on POP!OS 20.04 in PlayOnLinux

I find that Krita and/or The Gimp can pretty much do everything I want but one thing they can’t do is provide some of the excellent plug-ins found for Photoshop, not that G’Mic is not great. If Krita could get Photoshop plug-in support I would imagine it would take a big chuck of Adobe’s end […]

VPN Count Dashboard Example

Before all hell broke loose I built a dashboard for management to give a near real-time view of health, errors, etc. Once we got sent home to work and we popped most of the work force on VPN, I was tasked with adding a widget to show connected users. Of course this is an example […]