Powershell CSV Clarity…

If you are having trouble working with CSV files in Powershell, all you need to know is that it’s just an array full of objects. This is the most straight forward and least confusing way to work with them.

Sort list by column preserving index. 

This is yet another reason I love Python!  This is good for something like generating HTML tables with rowspans that you want sorted. Each tuple is a row, each item in the tuple is a cell. If you sort this data it will change the index so if you set a rowspan on the first […]

Batch base64 encode PNGs in Python 3 for use in CSS.

I wrote a simple Python 3 script to base64 encode a series of PNG images for use in CSS, or whatever. If you’re learning Python try adding file output or even go a step further and generate the CSS lines. If you’re here I will assume you are wanting these for CSS but if not, […]

Weed Calc – Playing with Lazarus Cross Dev

My son was home sick today and I had to take the day off so I decided to take this time to learn a little Pascal and Lazarus cross development. I actually couldn’t think of anything so after running into a forum post about marijuana and amounts the other day I thought, why not write […]

pyGUI & wake a sleeping Mac example.

I started playing around with pyGUI a year or two ago, which allows fast gui development on OS X, Windows, and Linux from Python. I wrote a little app to wake up Macs awhile back and packaged it as a standard Mac bundle. In theory the raw Python should run on Windows, but be aware […]

Editra Launch Objective-C Compiler

As I’m learning Objective-C I find moving between the terminal and my favorite IDE, Editra kind of annoying. Luckily Editra has a really cool plug-in called Launch that can be configured to run code and display the results within the editor. The only problem is that compiling and running objective-c doesn’t work for a couple […]