Krita and the accidental painting.

It has been a long time since I checked out Krita. I Painted this in Krita 3.1.1 on Mac Yosemite, versions for Windows as well and of course Linux; all are free. The bird took about six hours, give or take, and the program was not shut down for two days. I had one lock […]

Linux like Package Management for Windows and Mac

Package managers for installing open software. These gives you Linux like package management similar to Linux apt, zypper, yum, etc… Windows: Mac: Brew GUI

Install Virtuoso 6.1.6 for use with Python 3 on LinuxMint 18

Install the following from the Software Manager (use apt if you prefer): Virtuoso-opensourceVirtuoso-serverVirtuoso-vad-conductorVirtuoso-vad-isparqlVirtuoso-vsp-startpageVirtuoso-opensource-6.1Virtuoso-opensource-6.1-binVirtuoso-opensource-61-commonUnixodbcLibvirtodbc0 Download zip and Install PyODBC from Unzip, cd into the expended folder, then type: $ sudo python build install Add the following in the odbc.ini: $ sudo nano /etc/odbc.ini Add the following and save it. [Local Virtuoso]Driver = /usr/lib/odbc/virtodbc_r.soAddress = […]

Leucine calculator for MSUD management. Windows, Mac, and Linux.

I created a calculator to approximately calculate milligrams of leucine and exchange based on serving size by grams of protein. You can save the calculation as a food and further calculate meal totals. It could be helpful for people with MSUD or possibly body builders needing to calculate luecine intake. I provide this software free […]

Ajax driven HTML 5 radial gauge.

I recently updated an older JavaScript gauge example that I created years ago if anyone is interested in creating gauges and wants a working example. This web based example takes a value between 0 and 100 and will automatically update using Ajax to pull the values in from a json file. There is no need […]

Minecraft Utilities

My son has been playing a lot of Minecraft and runs a server so I made him a series of utilities to make life easier. The first few I wrote were in Python and Tk, quick and dirty, but I wanted to learn the Swift programming language so I rewrote one utility in XCode 6 […]

Create a Button with hover effect in Xojo

Drag a Canvas object onto your form from the Library. Click the Canvas object and select the Inspector, top right, and turn off UseFocusRing and for Backdrop select your default image. You can select the hover image as a Backdrop as well as it will add the image to your project and save you time, […]


Are you looking for a simple and quick way to enter notes into the Apple’s application from the statusbar? Don’t want the extra features of big note tools or really just like Apple’s built in Notes app? Me too! So I wrote a little utility I call MacNote to allow quick note entry to […]

Gauge example in Inkscape (SVG)

If you’re tasked with creating gauges for a dashboard and you want an example on how to do the graphics, I’ve created one in Inkscape. Inkscape is a free vector application if you are on a budget and can’t afford Adobe Illustrator. I made this while getting a feel for a new dashboard I’ll be […]