Basic Audio Player with Playlist in Godot 3.4.2

I am leaning Godot, not so much as a video game creator but rather an easy way to make some apps. Godot is a free game development tool and engine.
I was playing around with playing audio and came up with this. I have not found too much in the way of GUI and audio beyond games so I hope this is helpful to others. This is just a working example, not a full program. I am still learning and it will likely be a lot more involved with many changes along the way. I may post all that work too. Here is the layout:

The control script is as follows (
extends Control # Player controls. var audioPlayer = null var DefaultSound = preload("res://tracks/Waves and Seagulls.wav") func _ready(): #get_stylebox("panel", "" ).set_texture(load("res://Assets/zenbg.png")) audioPlayer = self.add_child(audioPlayer) = DefaultSound func _on_PlayPause_pressed(): var button = get_node("Panel/VBoxContainer/HBoxMenu/PlayPause") if button.text == "Play": if audioPlayer.get_stream_paused() == false: else: audioPlayer.set_stream_paused(false) button.text = "Pause" else: audioPlayer.set_stream_paused(true) button.text = "Play" func _on_Stop_pressed(): if audioPlayer.get_stream_paused() == true: audioPlayer.set_stream_paused(false) audioPlayer.stop() get_node("Panel/VBoxContainer/HBoxMenu/PlayPause").text = "Play" func _on_ItemList_item_selected(index): var sound = get_node("Panel/VBoxContainer/ItemList").get_item_text(index) print("res://tracks/" + sound) DefaultSound = load("res://tracks/" + sound) = DefaultSound
And the ItemList script (
extends ItemList # Collect wav files and populate listbox. I will change these to ogg # at some point. I also want each item to be a panel with multiple audio # tracks, icon, and desc. func _ready(): get_audio_resources("res://tracks/") func get_audio_resources(tracks_path): var base_dir = if == OK: base_dir.list_dir_begin() var file_name = base_dir.get_next() while file_name: print("Found file: " + file_name) #if base_dir.current_is_dir(): # If you need to capture directories # continue # This doesn't work for some reason. if file_name.ends_with("wav"): self.add_item(file_name) file_name = base_dir.get_next() else: print("Unable to read resource path.")
If you want to download and review or run the project it is available here.