PowerShell console weather script

I wanted a little more detail than some other terminal weather programs provide so I wrote one in PowerShell. I do not consider it complete as I will eventually rewrite error handling, how I handle the data, and add better documentation. It works and can be used to learn or rework into a better script. […]

PowerShell Code Written By ChatGPT AI.

I wrote a bash script for my son to convert his HEIC images to PNG so I decided to ask ChatGPT AI to do it in PowerShell for the hell of it. Well… I asked ChatGPT this question: “write a powershell script that will convert heic image files to png” Looks like it’s time to […]

PowerShell Configuration Storage Module

This PowerShell configuration module will let you easily create, store, and retrieve configuration data in simple XML files. Of course there are a few ways to store config data for use in PowerShell scripts. One way is to save data structures and variable in a psd1 file and load direct, which is what I typical […]

Powershell CSV Clarity…

If you are having trouble working with CSV files in Powershell, all you need to know is that it’s just an array full of objects. This is the most straight forward and least confusing way to work with them.

Automated Dynatrace API data dumps from PowerShell

There are many ways to do this. I wrote this in Python and now PowerShell. The original was a bat file. PowerShell is easier to work with than bat/cmd f since they can be touchy with quoted strings and html encoding. This PowerShell gets the job done for both v1 and v2 and has a […]