Convert PostScript to PDF from D lang calling GhostScript ps2pdf.
I’m learning D. I know, I am a program language hopper. This code provides working examples of getopts, concurrency, and a process call to convert PostScript to PDF using GhostScript in the D language.
import std.getopt; import std.stdio; import std.file; import std.path; import std.datetime; import std.algorithm; import std.array; import std.conv; import std.string; import std.process; import std.concurrency; string[] listdir(string path) { return dirEntries(path, "*.ps", SpanMode.shallow) .filter!(f => f.isFile) .map!(f => buildPath(path, .array; } void rip(string path, bool v=false) { //ps2pdf filename.pdf string outpath = path.replace(".ps", ".pdf"); if (v == true) { writefln("OUT: %s", outpath); } auto logFile = File("errors.log", "w"); auto pid = spawnProcess(["/usr/bin/ps2pdf", path, outpath], std.stdio.stdin, std.stdio.stdout, logFile); wait(pid); } void main(string[] arguments) { // Get opts auto base_path = "/home/username/Documents/postscript"; bool render = false; bool count = false; bool verbose = false; getopt( arguments, "p|path", &base_path, "r|render", &render, "c|count", &count, "v|verbose", &verbose ); // $./psmerge -p /home/username/Documents/postscript -r -c -v StopWatch sw; sw.start(); int totalDocs = 0; int totalPages = 0; if (base_path.exists) { string[] psfiles = listdir(base_path); foreach(ps; psfiles){ if (render == true) { auto tid = spawn(&rip, ps, verbose); if (verbose == true){ writeln(tid, " \nIN: ", ps); } } totalDocs++; // Count pages. if (count == true) { // Read file. File fileHandle = File(ps, "r"); while (!fileHandle.eof()) { string line = fileHandle.readln(); if ( canFind(line, "(atend)") ) { continue; } if ( canFind(line, "%%Pages: ") ) { string[] s = line.split(":"); auto pgNum = strip(s[1].replace("\r\n","")); if (verbose == true){ writeln("Pages: ", pgNum); } auto pgCount = to!long(pgNum); totalPages += pgCount; } } } } writefln("Total Docs: %s", totalDocs); writefln("Total Pages: %s", totalPages); sw.stop(); writefln("Elapsed: %f seconds", sw.peek().usecs / 1_000_000.0); } }