Health, Exercise, and Nutrition Apps for Linux

I do a lot of tracking on my health, mostly on my phone, but what about the Linux desktop or mobile flavors? Here is a list of Linux health apps. There certainly is room for more.

Inner BreathMeditate through breathing.
UBPM Universal Blood Pressure Manager
JoggerTrack and view your runs, walks, cycles, swims, and other workouts on mobile Linux.
GoldenCheetahCycling tracking and health data crunching.
StretchlyTimer that reminds you to stretch.
GBrainyExercises for the brain.
CapsuleMedication tracker.
BreathingRelax and meditate breathing coach.
HealthHome workout logging and fitness tracking.
FeeelHome workout logging and fitness tracking.
Cron-0-MeterNutrition and calorie tracking.
RSIBreakReduce Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) risk.
WorkraveReduce Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) risk.
RedshiftReduce eye strain by changing color temperature of your screen.
RecipesRecipe manager and planner.
NUTNutrition and calorie tracking. Currently being rewrote.
DijoHabit tracker.
hranoprovod-cliHranoprovod is command line diet tracking tool.