Editra Launch Objective-C Compiler

As I’m learning Objective-C I find moving between the terminal and my favorite IDE, Editra kind of annoying. Luckily Editra has a really cool plug-in called Launch that can be configured to run code and display the results within the editor. The only problem is that compiling and running objective-c doesn’t work for a couple […]

Timers, Status and Code, Oh my!

Before I deleted my site I had posted some code and programs that fire a timer in order to count down the days to an event. I wrote this in both XCode and IronPython, which can be downloaded with full source below. I decided to share again. If you don’t have a copy of Visual […]

Time for change

If you have been here before you will notice the site is gone. To be honest, I am tired of managing a big site and I was constantly getting hacked because I’m too lazy to keep up with things. Let’s see how well WordPress can hold up to my laziness… If you’re looking for the […]