Category: Misc
Creating a simple radial percent gauge in Flet
I was cleaning up and found some old gauges I had built years ago. I created the images in Inkscape and likely deleted the Flash and JavaScript code. Anyway, since I am really digging working with Flet I thought it might be cool to re-purpose the images and create a radial gauge in Flet. Setup […]
Interesting Linux Graphics Applications
I love working with graphics on my Linux machine and in looking for new tools I found a couple fairly nice Linux graphics applications that I have not seen before, along with a few I have. I hope they are useful to you as I find them to be nice additions to my graphic tool-sets. […]
Install NovelWriter in an isolated Environment with Pipx
novelWriter is a Python GUI program used for authoring novels and short stories. Pipx will isolate all the various libraries and source code without the need to create a virtual environment or simply installing in the system’s Python environment. For this how-to I will be installing on Fedora 37 but this should be a similar […]
A Short Story by OpenAI ChatGPT
This story was create by OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Image generated at NightCafe. Crazy.
PowerShell Code Written By ChatGPT AI.
I wrote a bash script for my son to convert his HEIC images to PNG so I decided to ask ChatGPT AI to do it in PowerShell for the hell of it. Well… I asked ChatGPT this question: “write a powershell script that will convert heic image files to png” Looks like it’s time to […]
Convert Apple HEIC to JPG on Linux with this simple Bash script.
This Bash script will convert Apple HEIC to JPG. It will also save you a little space without losing image quality in the process. It will delete HEIC files that were successfully converted so if you don’t want that, comment the rm line. If you just want to copy photos and movies from iPhone and […]
PowerShell Configuration Storage Module
This PowerShell configuration module will let you easily create, store, and retrieve configuration data in simple XML files. Of course there are a few ways to store config data for use in PowerShell scripts. One way is to save data structures and variable in a psd1 file and load direct, which is what I typical […]
List of Adobe Open Source Alternatives
Here is my list of open source alternatives to the Adobe product line up that cover most everything.
Thunderbird Mail 107 Beta 4 Short Review
Review up the upcoming Thunderbird email client 107.0b4, November 2022.
Development Environments With GUI Designers For Linux
Looking for IDEs with visual GUI designers on Linux? Here is a list.