Simple Python 3 threaded timer in Gtk3.

A quick and dirty timer example. If you need to execute after a period of time use Thread.Timer(). This example uses simple thread and event to start and stop a clock in a Gtk 3 window counting up time in a label.

Python 3 ThreadPoolExecutor in Gtk 3

So I wanted to collect all the theme icons on my Linux machine so I wrote a little app. It is really fast using the ThreadPoolExecutor from futures. I’ve used this at work but never in a Gtk app. Here’s the result from the straight Python 3 code without a GUI. That’s a lot of […]

Get Dynatrace json dumps from threaded Python 3.

Today was a boring day so I was doing anything to make it go faster. I ended up redoing some Python code to get Dynatrace data. It didn’t need to be threaded but I was bored! It’s cold, windy, and dark here. Blah! Maybe someone will find this useful?

Collect user logons from Windows 10 with Python 3.

This is basically how I collect physical user logons along with reboots, etc. I dump this shit into a database and deliver via a web-page so folks can do dated searches by workstation or user ID. Works beautifully. You will need the Win32api libraries. I am running this on a Win 2019 server from Python3.7, […]

Using Linux with iPhone the easy way.

Copy Lollipop Playlists with Python. Update Oct. 27, 2019: Installed Pop! OS 19.10 and it is a solid OS. I’m still using Shotwell, which is downloading photos perfectly without any need for a third party tool or code and I am also still using Samba to download and play my music in FlacBox. Update: I […]