Category: Python 3
Review or Delete Duplicate Files with Python.
My music and photos were getting out of hand. Thought I would share.
Extract CAB files with Python and Patool.
Install 7zip. This assumes you are on Windows. Add the 7zip path to the system path. In the searchbar type env and open the result. Click Environment Variables in the dialog. Add to PATH. Windows 10 just click add and browse to the folder 7zip installed to, i.e., C:\Program Files\7-zip. Otherwise, paste the path making […]
Python3 Gtk3 Thread Example
Quick Python3 Gtk3 app to execute Python scripts to test long running threads in Gtk3 app. Some things could be better, like the python paths collection and displaying the PID, but I was focused on running threads without freezing the GUI and it just kind of happened. Hope it’s useful to someone.
Create mov,mp4 thumbnails from Python3
I was working on a Gtk 3 project to roll up all my iPhone videos into a flowbox for easy locating and processing since iPhone doesn’t name things in a meaningful way and photo managers dump things into not so meaningful folders, thumbnails was a must to locate videos easily. Plus, I wanted to do […]
GTK3 Calendar dialog example in Python.
Open a calendar in a Gtk window and get the user’s selected values in the main App class.
Install Virtuoso 6.1.6 for use with Python 3 on LinuxMint 18
Install the following from the Software Manager (use apt if you prefer): Virtuoso-opensourceVirtuoso-serverVirtuoso-vad-conductorVirtuoso-vad-isparqlVirtuoso-vsp-startpageVirtuoso-opensource-6.1Virtuoso-opensource-6.1-binVirtuoso-opensource-61-commonUnixodbcLibvirtodbc0 Download zip and Install PyODBC from Unzip, cd into the expended folder, then type: $ sudo python build install Add the following in the odbc.ini: $ sudo nano /etc/odbc.ini Add the following and save it. [Local Virtuoso]Driver = /usr/lib/odbc/virtodbc_r.soAddress = […]
Windows Authentication from CherryPy served from Apache 2.4/WSGI using Python 3.4 64bit.
Here’s an example with working code and all the modules to get CherryPy running in Apache via WSGI with Windows authentication. Just download and copy Apache24 and coolwhip to the C: drive, add your IP\domain to httpd.conf, and fire up the server. See the read me for more details, installing Apache yourself, and Python libraries […]
Batch base64 encode PNGs in Python 3 for use in CSS.
I wrote a simple Python 3 script to base64 encode a series of PNG images for use in CSS, or whatever. If you’re learning Python try adding file output or even go a step further and generate the CSS lines. If you’re here I will assume you are wanting these for CSS but if not, […]
pyGUI & wake a sleeping Mac example.
I started playing around with pyGUI a year or two ago, which allows fast gui development on OS X, Windows, and Linux from Python. I wrote a little app to wake up Macs awhile back and packaged it as a standard Mac bundle. In theory the raw Python should run on Windows, but be aware […]
Geektool + Python = Desktop Weather (& moonphase)
I had some free time today and was playing with Geektool, which is like the desktop toys I used to play with years ago on Linux – SuperKaramba comes to mind. I wrote a Python script as an example to do some weather stuff, which can be edited to work behind the scenes or to […]