Create, insert, and Query SQLite with PowerShell.

A little background. I have written C# code that grabs the print records from the Windows event logs on print servers in order to create reports and do easy searches from my web environment. Originally I dumped this data into a SQLite database, because I am a control freak and the place where I work is also a control freak. I moved this whole thing to PowerShell from my Python then C# implementations so I needed to see about using SQLite with PowerShell.

I eventually decided on using SQL Server as the amount of data was a bit too much for a flat file database, and I found myself managing tables to compensate, but SQLIte is easy for some things and you don’t have to manage yet another server or deal with server folks, management, etc. so if you have small amounts of data SQLite is a perfectly fine solution. Moving to SQL Server wasn’t a big jump either but this is a SQLite example. 🙂

This working example code takes you from creating the database, to populating it, and doing a small query.

# Grab the SQLite3 DLL here:
# PowerShell SQLite DB example.
# C. Nichols <>, Aug. 2019
# Make sure to change DLL, database, and log file paths.
Add-Type -Path "c:\sqlite_tests\System.Data.SQLite.dll" # Change path
Function createDataBase([string]$db) {
    Try {
        If (!(Test-Path $db)) {
            $CONN = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection
            $CONN.ConnectionString = "Data Source=$db"
            # TEXT as ISO8601 strings ('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS')
            $createTableQuery = "CREATE TABLE printer_usage (
                                        ID INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
                                        printed_dt        TEXT    NULL,
                                        printed_tm        TEXT    NULL,
                                        printed_doc_nm    TEXT    NULL,
                                        printed_doc_sz    INTEGER NULL,
                                        printed_page_cnt  INTEGER NULL,
                                        print_user_id     TEXT    NULL,
                                        print_user_comp   TEXT    NULL,
                                        print_serv_nm     TEXT    NULL,
                                        printer_nm        TEXT    NULL
            $createUniqueIndex = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX print_idx ON printer_usage(printed_dt, printed_tm, print_user_id, printed_doc_nm);"
            $CMD = $CONN.CreateCommand()
            $CMD.CommandText = $createTableQuery
            $CMD.CommandText = $createUniqueIndex
            Log-It "Create database and table: Ok"
        } Else {
            Log-It "DB Exists: Ok"
    } Catch {
        Log-It "Could not create database: Error"
Function queryDatabase([string]$db, [string]$sql) {
    Try {
        If (Test-Path $db) {
            $CONN = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection
            $CONN.ConnectionString = "Data Source=$db"
            $CMD = $CONN.CreateCommand()
            $CMD.CommandText = $sql
            $ADAPTER = New-Object  -TypeName System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteDataAdapter $CMD
            $DATA = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
            $TABLE = $DATA.Tables
            ForEach ($t in $TABLE){
                Write-Output $t
        } Else {
            Log-It "Unable to find database: Query Failed"
    } Catch {
        Log-It "Unable to query database: Error"
Function insertDatabase([string]$db, [System.Collections.ArrayList]$rows) {
    Try {
        If (Test-Path $db) {
            $CONN = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection
            $CONN.ConnectionString = "Data Source=$db"
            $CMD = $CONN.CreateCommand()
            #$Counter = 0
            ForEach($row in $rows) {
                $sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO printer_usage (ID,printed_dt,printed_tm,printed_doc_nm,printed_doc_sz,printed_page_cnt,print_user_id,print_user_comp,print_serv_nm,printer_nm)"
                $sql += " VALUES (@ID,@printed_dt,@printed_tm,@printed_doc_nm,@printed_doc_sz,@printed_page_cnt,@print_user_id,@print_user_comp,@print_serv_nm,@printer_nm);"
                $CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", $NULL)
                $CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@printed_dt", $row.printed_dt)
                $CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@printed_tm", $row.printed_tm)
                $CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@printed_doc_nm", $row.printed_doc_nm)
                $CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@printed_doc_sz", $row.printed_doc_sz)
                $CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@printed_page_cnt", $row.printed_page_cnt)
                $CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@print_user_id", $row.print_user_id)
                $CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@print_user_comp", $row.print_user_comp)
                $CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@print_serv_nm", $row.print_serv_nm)
                $CMD.Parameters.AddWithValue("@printer_nm", $row.printer_nm)
                Write-Output $sql
                $CMD.CommandText = $sql
                #$Counter += 1
            Log-It "Inserted records successfully: Ok"
        } Else {
            Log-It "Unable to find database: Insert Failed"
    } Catch {
        Log-It "Unable to insert into database: Error"
Function Log-It([string]$logLine)
    $LogPath = "c:\sqlite_tests\sqlite.log" # Change path
    $NewLine = "`r`n"
    $Line = "{0}{1}" -f $logLine, $NewLine
    if ($logPath) {
        write-output $Line
        $Line | Out-File $logPath -Append
    } else {
        write-output $Line
# ******** MAIN ********
$DBPath = "c:\sqlite_tests\print_events.sqlite" # Change path
$Rows = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$CDate = Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd"
$CTime = Get-Date -format "HH:mm:ss"
# Fake Records
$Rows.Add(@{'printed_dt'=$CDate; 'printed_tm'= $CTime; 'printed_doc_nm'='test.txt'; 'printed_doc_sz'=10; 'printed_page_cnt'=10; 'print_user_id'='nich12'; 'print_user_comp'='m123'; 'print_serv_nm'='printA'; 'printer_nm'='l52'})
$Rows.Add(@{'printed_dt'=$CDate; 'printed_tm'= $CTime; 'printed_doc_nm'='test.doc'; 'printed_doc_sz'=20; 'printed_page_cnt'=12; 'print_user_id'='ward32'; 'print_user_comp'='m234'; 'print_serv_nm'='printA'; 'printer_nm'='l67'})
$Rows.Add(@{'printed_dt'=$CDate; 'printed_tm'= $CTime; 'printed_doc_nm'='test.ps1'; 'printed_doc_sz'=30; 'printed_page_cnt'=14; 'print_user_id'='jame67'; 'print_user_comp'='m345'; 'print_serv_nm'='printB'; 'printer_nm'='l87'})
$Query = "Select * From printer_usage"
# Create Db and Table.
createDataBase $DBPath
# Insert records.
insertDatabase $DBPath $Rows
# Fetch records.
queryDatabase $DBPath $Query