Flowblade 2.2.0 Effects Tutorials

Had a little time today so I wanted to do some effects in Flowblade. If you need a little guidance maybe these will help. There are three in this video.

Scribus 1.5.5 Book Cover Tutorial Video

I wanted to give Scribus another try and had some downtime today. I used it eariler in the year to create a book cover for a friend’s family member who publishes on Amazon. This time I wanted to refresh myself and learn a bit more so why not record a video to show the compete […]

Flowblade 2 Video Editor Video Tutorial made in Flowblade

I decided to give Flowblade Video Editor a go for the hell of it. I got tired of playing Divine Divinity. In the past I had stability issues with Flowblade so I tended to use Pitivi or KDEnlive and avoid it. Since it is now at 2.0 I wanted to give it a try. I […]

Playing RetroArch games in Lutris

Setting up 3DO, and other virtualized game systems requiring a BIOS, to run in Lutris with RetroArch. It’s straight forward and will be similar for each platform. My Logitech controller worked as expected as well; however, I did update everything in RetroArch before setting up in Lutris so I am not sure if that mattered. […]

Setup 3DO in RetroArch on Linux.

Awhile ago I posted a 3DO emulator that only runs on Windows. I haven’t played any retro console games in a few years beyond old PC games from GOG to be honest but I had some time and was wanting to play Slayer, my favorite game on 3DO back in the day. I also wanted […]

Simple PowerShell module to store passwords.

If you have PowerShell scripts with passwords hard-coded you don’t want to risk someone accidentally exposing the script with passwords available. I wrote a simple password vault module to keep passwords outside the scripts. It stores them as files so you will need a secure share or folder to store them. I have a Python […]

Get all installed software on Windows 10 with Python 3 and WMI.

This is very basic and I’d lie if I said I hadn’t tried looping through the registry for 64/32 bit, but this works great and isn’t missing entries. I deliver this in a web page making it easy to do look ups on most machines in my org. Tweak as you need, add some error […]

List of Linux IDEs with GUI designers.

Are looking to develop GUI applications on Linux but don’t really want the tediousness of hand coding the interface? Here is a list of IDEs or visual designers with WYSIWYG ability. Many of these tools also run on Windows and/or Mac and can compile for all three platforms with a few including arm and smart […]

Installing Cinelerra GG on Pop or Ubuntu 18.10.

If you want the latest Cinelerra GG on 18.10 you’ll need to trick the system. If you’re not comfortable you can always wait. First thing is first, add the PPA. This will cause an error, but we will fix that so ignore it. Type each command in the terminal: sudo apt-add-repository \ https://cinelerra-gg.org/download/pkgs/ub18 Open the […]